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I am impressed with the new Nexus 5, and the real gem in the phone is the new Android 4.4 operating system. Just got it a few days ago so I have not had too much time to play with it yet, but the operating system is clean and responsive and without all the fuzz seen on Samsung and HTC phones (just as you would expect of course). Going from the Note 2 the only thing I really miss a bit is the huge screen and the pen 🙂 I really like the sleek, clean, flat interface that shows you exactly what you need, swiftly and without nonsense. One thing that never worked on my Samsungs was when I played music over Bluetooth and Spotify I never got the artist name on the display in the car, only got the “over the horizon” track from Samsung, very annoing. Never found a non-hacky way to solve that on the Note 2 but I am happy to report that on the Nexus this just worked out of the box. Personally I think I will move to the stock Android 4.4 on all of my devices that will support it.

The phone itself has a simple minmialistic and workable design that does not shout “come look at me” and it is light as a feather compared to many other phones I have owned. Especially some iPhone users are suprised (no wonder, some of them carry quite a bit of glass with them). The backside of the phone has a matte plastic cover (similar to the one on the Nexus 7) that ensure a good grip on the phone during use.

Sadly the camera has not been the strongside of the new Android, but luckily now Google is rolling out an updated version (4.4.1) that is said to mostly fix these issues. The main downside to the camera is the color (whitebalance) seen from my side. The colors does not come out natural and that is a pity, but crossing my fingers that this update fixes it! … so Google, where is it?? (refreshing the update check screen … again … again …)

Here is the original post from Google announcing the update:

Comments from The Verge:

I will be posting some photos when I get the update installed, for sure!

Example HDR photo with Android 4.4:


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