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I now collect bad wine

Ric Elias was sitting in seat 1D in a crashing plane and he has some amazing thoughts about that. Watch the short video, it makes all the sense in the...
Locate and wipe your Android

Locate and wipe your Android

If you have an Android device (newer than version 2.2) and you wonder where it is for any reason, or maybe if you have lost it, or worse it is stolen then there is still hope. You can probably locate the device by using the Android Device Manager. The tools has three...

Ylvis and The fox

Very funny video, these guys can both sing and create videos. This particular one is gaining a lot of popularity in Norway now, especially with younger kids. 🙂...
Mummy on the radio

Mummy on the radio

This posting and audio does not make a whole lot of sense unless you understand Norwegian so I will not translate the rest. If you understand Norwegian then go ahead! 🙂 I dag fikk jeg beskjed om at mamma var på radio av svigermor. Litt research måtte til og jeg fant...


I bought this wonderful Orchidaceae for my wife last week … wonderful ey?